LGBTIQ people are at severe risk of discrimination and violence, with transgender individuals and minors being particularly vulnerable to violence and rights violations.
Statement by the Nordic Queer Aging Conference 2024
All Nordic countries should implement mechanisms that protect the rights and life conditions of all Rainbow Seniors.
Hae Setan toimikuntiin 8.1. mennessä!
Setan toimikunnat ottavat jälleen uusia jäseniä tekemään sateenkaarevaa vaikuttamis- ja tiedotustyötä. Setassa toimii aseksuaalisuustoimikunta, kansainvälisen asioiden toimikunta, nuorisotoimikunta ja sukupuolen moninaisuus -toimikunta. Hae verkkolomakkeen 8.1. mennessä!
Seta and IGLYO: Gaps in LGBTIQ+ youths’ wellbeing need to be addressed
Gender and sexual minorities human rights organisation Seta and the European LGBTQI+ youth and student organisation IGLYO demand the Finnish government to address gaps in the wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ youth.
Seta and OII Europe: Finnish government should take action to ensure intersex people’s physical integrity and self-determination
Human rights organisations Seta and OII Europe demand that the government takes immediate action to ensure right to physical integrity, bodily autonomy and self-determination for intersex people.