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Panel discussion: How are we doing?

1.7.2021 18:0019:30

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How are we doing?
Mental health care needs, disparities, and well-being of LGBTIAQ+ non-finnish speakers in Finland

When: Thursday, 1st July at 6 pm
Where: Pride House, Helsinki City Hall, online

Recently, there has been a lively public debate in Finland to improve mental health services. So far, however, the mental health needs of minorities such as LHBTIAQ + and the non-Finnish-speaking population have not been taken into account in the discussion.

In this panel, we discuss the mental welbeing, the availability and possible shortcomings of mental health care. How could LGBTIAQ+ needs be taken better into consideration? What could inclusive healthcare mean? What kinds of good practices could be implemented for securing the availability of therapists trained in LGBTIAQ+ issues? Are language needs met while organizing mental health care? Panelists represent different backgrounds and intersecting identities.


  • MP Eva Biaudet
  • Director of development at Mieli Ry Kristian Wahlbeck
  • Loisto Settlementti’s Sopu project worker Hassen Hnini
  • Project researcher at THL Mercedezs Czimbalmos
  • Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychotherapy trainer working in private practice, Aleksi Jalava

Paneelin moderaattorit ovat toimikunnastamme: Jana Turk ja Juho Aalto.

This event is in English and it´s streamed online. It´s organized by Seta´s International Arrairs Committee.

Stream here

About the panelists

Kristian Wahlbeck (he/him) is Director of Development at MIELI, the national NGO for mental health. He is a trained psychiatrist and psychotherapist, and Research Professor at The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in the fields of mental health promotion and services. He is one of the initiators of the Therapy Guarantee initiative and a long-standing member of Seta.

Aleksi Jalava is a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychotherapy trainer working in private practice. Pronouns he/him.

Mercedesz Czimbalmos is a project reseacher in the Manifold more (Moninaisesti parempi) project of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Her research focuses on the experiences of sexual and gender minorities among the foreign-origin populations in Finland.” Pronouns she/her. More info here!

Eva Biaudet is a well-known human rights activist who started her sixth term in Finnish Parliament in 2019. She is a former Minister of Health and Social Services and has also served in Vienna as the OSCE Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. After her time in Vienna, she continued working with human rights as the Ombudsperson for Minorities and Non-Discrimination and is currently chairing the biggest women’s organization in Finland.

Hassen Hnini is an LGBTIQ activist from Tunisia, currently living in Finland. He has been active since 2003 when he started to work in an association that fights AIDS. And counsultant for the UNDP program in MENA (the Middle East and North Africa) region. In 2009, he was one of the founding members of the network “Khomssa”, a network of activists and LGBT organizations in North Africa. In 2011, with a group of Tunisian LGBTIQ activists, Hassen created the first association for Tunisian LGBTQI people called “Damj” and he has been the chairperson of the association for four years.

In 2013 Hassen moved to Finland and continue his activism from different places, on November 2015 started orgonizing and planing the Together work at what was called Heseta (now its Helsinki pride community). ”Together” work its to support the wellbeing of the LGBTIQ asylum seekers and people with refugee background in Finland.

2017 and 2018 he was the chairperson of the Helsinki Pride community (HeSeta before).

On Mars 2019 the Finnish Red Cross (Helsinki-Uusimaa) grants him the pioneer against prejudice awards.

His working since 2018 project worker at Loisto Setlementti for Bahar project, Bahara-project support youth who are victims of honor-related violence.

He is the co-founder and the chairperson of BuraQ ry, BuraQ ry is the first LGBTIQ+ organization of Muslim and Muslim background people in Finland.

Hur mår vi?
LHBTIAQ+-personers sjukvårdsbehov, olika förutsättningar och välmående i olika miljöer.

När: Thorsdag den 1 July kl 18:00
Var: Pride House, Helsinki statshus

Under den senaste tiden i Finland har det funnits en livlig och offentlig debatt om behovet att förbättra den psykiatriska vården. Tidigare har man inte tagit minoriteters, såsom LHBTIAQ+ och andra än finskspråkigas, behov av psykisk vård i beaktande.

I denna paneldebatt diskuterar vi psykiskt välmående, tillgänglighet  och möjliga brister inom psykiatrisk vård. Hur kan man bättre ta hänsyn till LHBTIAQ+-behov? Vad kan inkluderande vård innebära? Vilka metoder kan användas för att säkerställa tillgången på terapeuter utbildade i LHBTIAQ+-ärenden? Hur tillfredställer man språkliga behov vid organisering av sjukvård? Panellisterna har bakgrund inom olika intersektionella identiteter.

Det här event är på engelska och är organiserad av Seta´s internationelt komittee.

Miten voimme?
Muiden kuin suomenkielisten LHBTIAQ+ ihmisten mielenterveystarpeet, eroavaisuudet ja hyvinvointi Suomessa

Milloin: Torstaina 1.7. klo 18:00
Missä: Pride House, Helsingin kaupuntalo

Viime aikoina Suomessa on käyty vilkasta julkista keskustelua mielenterveyspalvelujen parantamiseksi. Toistaiseksi keskustelussa ei kuitenkaan ole otettu huomioon vähemmistöjen, kuten LHBTIAQ + ja muiden kuin suomenkielisen väestön mielenterveystarpeita.

Tässä paneelissa keskustelemme mielenterveyspalvelujen puutteista, joita muut kuin suomenkieliset LHBTIAQ + -henkilöt ovat kohdanneet. Lisäksi pohdimme, mitä käytännön toimia tulisi tehdä heidän hyvinvointinsa takaamiseksi.

Eri taustoista, asemista ja identifioituvista henkilöistä koostuvassa paneelissa keskustelemme LHBTIAQ+ henkilöiden hyvinvoinnista, mielenterveyspalvelujen tarpeista sekä heidän kokemuksistaan niiden parissa. Lisäksi pohdimme, mitä syrjimätön terveydenhuolto tarkoittaa käytännössä ja kuinka voisimme varmistaa, ettei kukaan jää mielenterveyspalvelujen ulkopuolelle.

Tämä tapahtuma on englannin kielinen. Sen järjestää Setan kansainvälisten asioiden toimikunta.


18:00 – 19:30
Tapahtuma tagia:
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Setan kansainvälisten asioiden toimikunta


Pride House
Pohjois-Esplanadi 11-13
+ Google Map